Kaohsiung Hakka Villages One-Day Trip
一日遊べる高雄. 客家村
杉 林 客 家 生 態 文 化 之 旅
Shanlin Hakka Ecological Cultural Tour
Points of Interest Guide
32. 月眉大橋紀念碑
Yuemei Bridge Monument
- 高雄市杉林區月眉里
- Yuemei Village, Shanlin Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市杉林区月眉里
以前要橫渡楠梓仙溪須靠木筏,對外交通極為不便,民國26 年由吳萬先生發起興建,月眉橋可說是當時東南亞最大的水泥鋼筋吊橋,並豎立紀念碑永誌紀念。
In the past the Nanzixian River was crossed by raft. It was extremely inconvenient to travel outside the village. In 1937 Mr. Wu Wan initiated the construction of the bridge. Yuemei Bridge can be said to be the largest cement steel suspension bridge in Southeast Asia at that time and a monument was erected to commemorate Mr. Wu.
33. 杉林慈濟大愛園區
Shanlin Tzu Chi
Great Love Village
※ 聯絡電話:
- 高雄市杉林區大愛路32號
- No. 32, Da’ai Rd., Shanlin Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市杉林区大愛路32号
2009 年八八風災重創南台灣,為安置受災戶,公部門、慈濟功德會與災民協調規劃,於杉林國中旁台糖土地,建構安全的永久家園,提供鄉親安全舒適、安身立命的居住環境,兼顧部落文化傳承的人文空間。
In 2009, Typhoon Morakot devastated Southern Taiwan. In order to resettle the affected households, the Public Sector, Tzu Chi Foundation and the victims coordinated and planned to construct safe and permanent homes on the land of Taiwan Sugar Corporation next to Shanlin Junior High School.The project provided a safe and comfortable living environment for the villagers while taking into account the tribal cultural heritage.
※八八風災(ババフオンザイ) :台湾中部、南部そして東南部の水災です。
34. 築夢新故鄉文化產業發展協會
Building a Dream of
a New Hometown Cultural
IndustryDevelopment Association
※ 聯絡電話:07-6776463
- 高雄市杉林區合心路146巷2號
- No. 2, Ln. 146, Hexin Rd., Shanlin Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市杉林区合心路146巷2号
It strives to promote localqualityagricultural products and to create employment opportunities through a home-made approach while working with local farmers to promote community tours. It tells the stories of Shanlin through nature and cultural landscapes to drive local industrial transformation and development.
35. 杉林布包工作坊
Sunny Bubao Workshop
※ 聯絡電話:07-6776406
- 高雄市杉林區合心路148 巷2 號
- No. 2, Ln. 148, Hexin Rd., Shanlin Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市杉林区合心路148巷2号
After Typhoon Morakot, a group of hard-working mothers voluntarily set up a sewing team. They can make custom-tailored cloth bags according to customer's specifications. The bags are not only good-looking and unique but also durable.
36. 杉林好料
Sunny Goods
※ 聯絡電話:0923-979568
- 高雄市杉林區大愛路1號C棟
- Building C, No.1, Da’ai Rd.,Shanlin Dist.,Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市杉林区大愛路1号C棟
To promote the concept of friendly farming and establish a sales platform for small farmers, in-store products are localized as the main element. It sells specialty products such as high-quality agricultural products and pickled goods.
37. 杉林葫蘆藝術-大愛館
Shanlin Gourd Art-Da’ai Branch
※ 聯絡電話:07-6776753
- 高雄市杉林區大愛路1號
- No. 1, Da’ai Rd., Shanlin Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市杉林区大愛路1号
Founder He Mingxian has devoted himself to the creation of gourd art. He constantly challenges himself and innovates his art works. His works comprise a series of Tang and Song poems that are full of literary zest, in addition to offering exquisite selections that are great as gifts. The gourd art works cover diverse styles.
Yonglin Farm Shanlin Organic Agricultural Park
※ 聯絡電話:07-6775068
- 高雄市杉林區山仙路288號
- No. 288, Shanxian Rd., Shanlin Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市杉林区山仙路288号
鴻海集團為協助莫拉克災區災民就業而建,全區佔地55 公頃,僅開發40 餘公頃,採有機栽種方式,為全臺最大的有機農場。設有露營區,園內參觀需提前登記預約。
The Foxconn Technology Group established the farm to assist the victims of the Morakot disaster with employment opportunities. The area covers 55 hectares and only 40 hectares have been developed. It adopts organic planting methods. It is the largest organic farm in Taiwan. There is a camping area. Advance registration is required to visit the park.
Catholic Mount Beatitude Social Welfare Park
※ 聯絡電話:07-6772345
- 高雄市杉林區合森巷160 號
- No. 160, Hesen Ln., Shanlin Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市杉林区合森巷160号
It covers an area of about 271,577 square meters. The park consists of a social services activity center, a nursing home and an orphanage. It was planned and built by Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-Hsi, the first Catholic cardinal in Taiwan. After its completion, it has become an important base for Catholics to foster clergy in Asia.
Yuemei Village Huang Family Old House
- 高雄市杉林區清水路合興巷
- Hesen Ln., Qingshui Rd., Shanlin Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市杉林区清水路合興巷
The Huang Family's JiangXia Hall has a history of more than 100 years. The old house's three-section compound remains intact. The archway at the entrance was the early reclamation of Shanlin by Hakka ancestors, a representative work of filial piety. The "Crab Cave" Feng Shui pattern and tradition of focusing on the styles of writing made the members of the family come forth in large numbers.
Because the early Jinxing district residents' lands were mostly on the other side of the river, for the convenience of farming, the Jinxing Suspension Bridge was set up to facilitate farming. The sturdy attractive red shape is one of the local features.
42.杉林Q 版彩繪好神庄
Shanlin Q Version Painting Haoshenzhuang
- 高雄市杉林區山仙路152巷
- Ln. 152, Shanxian Rd., Shanlin Dist.,
Kaohsiung City - 高雄市杉林区山仙路152巷
Owing to a group of Shanlin people's feelings for their hometown, with the theme of stories of God, they created the largest maze of paintings in Taiwan. Walking in the winding alleyways is like being in the Eight Diagrams Array.
Yuemei Leshan Temple
※ 聯絡電話:07-6771315
- 高雄市杉林區桐竹路241號
- No. 241, Tongzhu Rd., Shanlin Dist.,
Kaohsiung City - 高雄市杉林区桐竹路241号
For more than 100 years, the primary deity Holy Emperor Guan has been the center of belief for the residents of Yuemei and Yuemei. The couplets on the archway at the entrance to the hall are all about persuading people to do good deeds and publicize Confucianism.
関羽を中心に祭祀する寺、百年余以来は月美(ユメイ)と月眉(ユメイ)の中心 信仰。入り口の牌楼上の対聯、全ては勧進と儒教思考の宣伝です。
Tianwang Organic Farm
※ 聯絡電話:0983-517358 ( 參觀請事先聯繫)
- 高雄市杉林區日光小林社區附近
- Near Sunlight Xiaolin Community, Shanlin Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市杉林区日光小林コミュニティ ー近くにあります。(参観は事前予約制)
It is run by three generations of Shanlin Hakka farmers. The farm grows rhubarb, dragon fruit, creeping thistle and other local characteristic crops. Farm activities such as farming experience, food and agriculture education, earthen kiln use and fruit picking can be participated in by reservation in advance.
Shanlin Small Farm
※ 聯絡電話:0921-336312 (參觀請事先聯繫)
- 高雄市杉林區合森巷120-18號
- No. 120-18, Hesen Ln., Shanlin Dist.,
Kaohsiung City - 高雄市杉林区合森巷 120-18号(参観は事前予約制)
The farm operator is a retired teacher who is dedicated to producing local crops such as mangoes, cherry tomatoes, melons, gourds (bottle gourds), etc. There is a green tunnel and fish pond on the farm, which provide visitors with a taste of farming and fruit picking experiences.