Kaohsiung Hakka Villages One-Day Trip
一日遊べる高雄. 客家村
甲 仙 老 街 美 食 之 旅
Jiaxian Old Street Food Tour
Points of Interest Guide
46. 高雄客運甲仙站
Kaohsiung Bus Jiaxian Station
- 高雄市甲仙區林森路73號
- No. 73, Linsen Rd., Jiaxian Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市甲仙区林森路73号
Jiaxian Bus Station is affiliated with Kaohsiung Bus. It is a transportation base that is important and convenient for local travel to other places.
47. 甲仙形象商圈
Jiaxian Shopping District
- 高雄市甲仙區文化路
- Wenhua Rd., Jiaxian Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市甲仙区文化路
Jiaxian is the starting point of the South Cross Island Highway. It was also a supply station for travelling between Kaohsiung and Taitung in earlier years, thus Jiaxian Wenhua Road has gradually developed into a busy shopping district. With a great selection of taros and bamboo shoots and a variety of specialty goods stores along with gourmet snack eateries, it is not only a supply stop for tourists before entering the mountains, but also the best place to purchase gifts.
甲仙(ジャシェン)には南横公路(なんへん公路)の始まりで、早期高雄と台東に行き来する補給センターのおかげで、甲仙はだんだんにぎやかな商圏に なりましたヽ里芋と筍などの名産品;美食の相当した台湾の庶民料理がたくさんあります、お客が山入の前のスポットで、素敵なお土産の集散地です。
48. 皇都飯店
Huangdu Restaurant
- 高雄市甲仙區中正路7號
- No. 7, Zhongzheng Rd., Jiaxian Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市甲仙区中正路7号
It is Jiaxian's decades old Hakka timehonored restaurant. Its cuisine is full of local characteristics. The restaurant features various antiques and old photographs creating a warm and nostalgic dining experience.
位於台20 線南横公路的甲仙大橋横跨楠梓仙溪,是進入甲仙的入口,兼具交通與景觀功能,橋頭有甲仙的特產—芋頭的雕塑,橋身也以淺紫色呈現。
The Jiaxian Bridge, which crosses the Nanzixian River, is located on the Southern Cross-Island Highway (Provincial Highway No. 20). It is the entrance to Jiaxian and serves the purposes of both traffic and landscape. A sculpture of taro is fixed at the bridgehead with light purple color painted on the bridge body.
甲仙の入り口は台20線の南横公路(ナンヘンゴンルの楠梓仙渓(ナンズシェンシ)に渡る甲仙大橋(ジャシェンダチャオ)でありヽ交通と景色を兼ねたところ、 橋頭(橋の一端)で甲仙のお土産一里芋の彫刻ヽ 橋の色もラベンダーで呈します。
50. 甲仙親水公園
Jiaxian Riverside Park
- 高雄市甲仙區甲仙大橋下方
- Under Jiaxian Bridge, Jiaxian Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市甲仙区甲仙大橋の下
出入口位於甲仙大橋下方,綠油油的親水公園佔地約10 公頃,設有休憩涼亭、戲水池、步道及大型停車場,是享受休憩活動的最佳場所。
The entrance and exit of the park are located below Jiaxian Bridge. The green riverside Park covers an area of about 10 hectares. The park has a pavilion, a water pool, trails and a large parking lot. It is the best place for recreational activities.
出入り口は甲仙大橋の下でありヽ緑溢れる親水公園(シンスイコウエン)の敷地面積は約10ヘクタ—ルです、設置した設施は東屋と戯水池と(庭で子供向け大きなプ—ル )歩道と大型駐車場があります、休憩を楽しむのベストチョイスです。
51. 愛鄉微食堂(原好好甲仙)
Jiaxian Mini Canteen
(Original Jiaxian Good Days Cafe)
- 高雄市甲仙區忠孝路2號
- No. 2, Zhongxiao Rd., Jiaxian Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市甲仙区忠孝路2号
Established by the Lavender Cottage Group, it offers coffee, light meals, small-scale agricultural products and occasional thematic exhibitions. It provides visitors a memorable experience as it integrates environment, culture and food experiences.
Cat lovers must definitely visit this pilgrimage site. Here, the cat is the only protagonist; it disguises itself in various identities to meet with cat lovers. These paintings are done together by local, communities and schools' artists.
53. 甲仙百年樟樹
Jiaxian Centennial Camphor Tree
- 高雄市甲仙區和安街42號
- No. 42, He’an St., Jiaxian Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市甲仙区和安街42号
The camphor tree in front of the Jiaxian Police Station was planted during the Japanese occupation period. Having witnessed the prosperity and vicissitudes of the camphor industry in Jiaxian, the centuryold camphor tree is now under the protection of the municipal government.
54. 陳家友善香草園
Chen Family Friendly Herb Garden
- 高雄市甲仙區中正路竹山巷18之3號
- No. 18-3, Zhushan Ln., Zhongzheng Rd.,
Jiaxian Dist., Kaohsiung City - 高雄市甲仙区中正路竹山巷18之3号
Open to the public with free admission. Dozens of herbaceous plants such as rosemary and lavender have been planted. The fragrance of the herbs has attracted many school groups and community residents to visit the herb garden.
観光無料 ヽ 園内数十種のローズマリーやラベンダーなどハーブが栽培してます ヽ 多く学校やコミュニティの宿民が香りを嗅いで来て、ハーブ体験を体験します。
55. 甲仙化石館
Jiaxian Fossil Museum
- 高雄市甲仙區和安村四德巷10號之10
- No. 10-10, Side Ln., Hean Vil., Jiaxian Dist.,
Kaohsiung City - 高雄市甲仙区和安村四徳巷10号の10
It displays ecological relics of fish and shellfish from Taiwan inland sea. There are four exhibition areas: Perotrochus Chiasienus fossils, Jiaxian local fossils, fossils from different parts of Taiwan by years and world fossils. With more than 6,000 items in its collection, it is a prominent local professional museum with academic and sightseeing value.
台湾の内海魚貝生態遺跡によると、「甲仙翁戎螺化石館(ジャシェンオンロン化石館)」、「甲仙当地化石」に分けます 、年代によっての「台湾各地化石」と「世界化石」合計四か所があってヽコレクション六千個あまりで、学術及び観光価値を持ち ヽ当地に指標性あったプロの博物館であります。
56. 甲仙褒忠義民亭
Jiaxian Baozhong Yimin Pavilion
- 高雄市甲仙區油礦巷29-1號
- No. 29-1, Yougong Ln., Jiaxian Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市甲仙区油礦巷29-1号
It is Jiaxian Hakka's center of belief. Lord Yimin's spirit of selfless sacrifice and devotion is always respected regardless of ethnic groups.
甲仙客家人の信仰の中心 、 義民爺は自分を犠牲し 、 身を捨ててこそ浮かぶ瀬もあれの精神、民族を問わず人々の尊敬するの対象です。
57. 350高地生態願景園區
350 Highland Ecological Vision Park
- 高雄市甲仙街區北側,老台21(山)線旁
- North Side of Jiaxian Dist.
Next to Taiwan Provincial Highway No. 21 (Mountain) - 高雄市甲仙街区の北側,台湾省道21番の隣にいます
海拔350 公尺高的「350 高地」是適合一般遊客體驗的森林步道,屬盆地地形,制高點處可俯瞰整個甲仙地區,入口處至制高點觀鄉亭,單程僅需七分鐘腳程。
At an altitude of 350 meters, the "350 Highland" has forest trails that are suitable for general visitors to experience. It belongs to the basin topography and one can overlook the entire Jiaxian area from its commanding height.From the entrance to the commanding height of Guanxiang Pavilion, it takes only seven minutes to walk for a oneway trip.
海抜350メートル高い「350高地」は一般民衆向けて ヽ ゆっくり体験できる森の歩道 、 たらいの地形で 、一番高いところに登ったら ヽ 甲仙地区全体を楽しめます、入口から一番高いところ「観郷亭」まで ヽ 歩行はただ 7分だけです。