Kaohsiung Hakka Villages Two-Day Trip
客 庄 人 文 美 食 輕 旅 行
Hakka Village Food and Culture Tour
Points of Interest Guide
80. 旗山孔廟
Qishan Confucius Temple
- 高雄市旗山區中正路(鼓山公園內)
- Zhongzheng Rd., Qishan Dist., Kaohsiung
City (inside Gushan Park ) - 高雄市旗山区中正路(鼓山公園内)
位於旗山鼓山公園內,佔地約4.1 公頃,為臺灣也是全東南亞佔地面積最大的孔廟,祭孔大典的八佾舞及成年禮,總是吸引許多民眾觀禮,也是踏青及欣賞夜景的絕佳景點。
Located inside Gushan Park it covers an area of about 4.1 hectares. It is also the largest Confucian temple in Taiwan and Southeast Asia in terms of its area covered. The Eight-Row Dance and the Ritual of Adulthood at the ceremony of Confucius have always attracted many people to observe the rituals. It is also a great place to visit and enjoy the night scenery.
81. 旗山武德殿
Qishan Wude Hall
- 高雄市旗山區華中街和中正路口(旗山國小對面)
- Intersection of Huazhong St. and Zhongzheng
Rd., Qishan Dist., Kaohsiung City (opposite
Qishan Elementary School) - 高雄市旗山区華中街と中正路口(旗山小学校向かいにある)
It was built in 1934, in the style of a traditional Japanese temple, but because the Japanese-style temple is more like Tang Dynasty architecture, the Wude Hall also has a very strong Tang Dynasty style. Currently it is managed by the Kaohsiung Oriental Art Society. It has divided the space into exhibitions, a creative market, and places for lectures and arts classes.
Qishan used to be a distribution center for bananas and sugar. Walking along the old street shopping district, you can have a deep understanding of history, culture and Baroque architecture. Here visitors can savor various traditional foods, banana-flavored snacks and ice products which will leave a delectable memory.
83. 旗山天后宮
Qishan Tianhou Temple
- 高雄市旗山區永福街23巷16號
- No. 16, Ln. 23, Yongfu St., Qishan Dist.,
Kaohsiung City - 高雄市旗山区永福街23巷16号
先民為祈求平安與心靈寄託,1700 多年前從大陸湄洲恭請媽祖聖尊至蕃薯寮( 旗山舊稱)。終年香火鼎盛,是旗山僅存的清領時期廟宇,更是旗山人重要的信仰中心。
As the ancestors prayed for peace and spiritual support more than 1700 years ago, they invited Holy Mazu to visit Fanshuliao (former name of Qishan) from Meizhou, Mainland China. With an endless stream of pilgrims throughout the year, it is the only remaining temple of the Qing Dynasty in Qishan. It is also an important belief center of Qishan people.
84. 旗山車站- 糖鐵故事館
Qishan Station—Sugar Railway Museum
旗山車站- 糖鐵故事館
- 高雄市旗山區中山路1 號
- No. 1, Zhongshan Rd., Qishan Dist., Kaohsiung
City - 高雄市旗山区中山路1号
旗山車站為糖業鐵路「旗尾線」重要的運輸樞紐,民國94 年公告為歷史建築,105 年蛻變化身為「糖鐵故事館」,復刻車站樣貌及陳列火車相關物品,同時也展售文創商品及伴手禮,是火車迷必逛景點。
Qishan Station was an important transportation hub for the "Qiwei Line" of the sugar railway. In 2005, it was declared as a historical building. In 2016, it became the Sugar Railway Museum. The appearance of the station was reproduced and railway related articles were displayed. At the same time, it also exhibits and sells cultural and creative products and gifts.It is a must-see site for railway fans.
85. 旗山碾米廠
Qishan Rice Mill
- 高雄市旗山區中山南街1巷5號
- No. 5, Ln. 1, Zhongshan S. St., Qishan Dist.,
Kaohsiung City - 高雄市旗山区中山南街1巷5号
1942 年由日本人建造,分成進米區、穀倉、碾米及出貨區,負責旗山區稻穀收割後續處理。有全臺唯一的地下隧道式米粒輸送帶,將散米送往各機房處理,日治時期建造的管線、通風道、精米機與礱榖機皆完整保留。
Built by the Japanese in 1942, it was divided into the rice-entering, the barn, the rice-milling and the delivery areas. It is responsible for the follow-up treatment of rice harvesting in Qishan District. It has an underground tunnel-type rice grain conveyor belt, the only one in Taiwan, sending loose rice to the various rooms for processing. The pipelines, ventilation ducts, rice mills and rice grinders which were built during the Japanese rule period have all been kept intact.
86. 旗山聖若瑟天主堂
Qishan St. Joseph Catholic Church
- 高雄市旗山區德義街6號
- No. 6, Deyi St., Qishan Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市旗山区德義街6号
曾入選高雄歷史建築十景與臺灣歷史建築百景第21 名,教堂外觀仿哥德式建築,壁面使用洗石子。正立面最上方為耶穌像,立面上開有圓拱,中間有仿玫瑰窗的浮雕,兩旁則建有衛塔,衛塔頂端有雉堞與尖頂,側面則開有連續的尖拱窗。
It was selected as one of the top ten Kaohsiung Historical Architecture sites and 21st place in Taiwan's top 100 Historical Architecture sites. The church looks like a Gothic building with washed granolithic finish walls. At the top of the facade is a statue of Jesus with an arch on the facade. In the middle there are reliefs imitating rose windows, and guard towers on both sides. At the top of the guard tower there are pheasants and spires and on the sides there are continuous pointed arch windows.
87. 旗美褒忠義民廟
Qimei Baozhong Yimin Temple
- 高雄市旗山區義民巷23號
- No. 23, Yimin Ln., Qishan Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市旗山区義民巷23号
Baozhong Yimin Temple located at Qiwei is the largest Yimin Temple in the Qimei area. In the early years, the villagers of Gaoping "Liudui" (6 settlements) each took turns to perform the sacrifice ritual. It has the historical significance of the birthplace of Liudui. Along with Qishan Mazu Temple and Neimen Zizhu Temple, they are the spiritual temples of Hakka people.
88. 軒味屋
Spectrum House
- 高雄市美濃區中山路二段384號
- No. 384, Sec. 2, Zhongshan Rd., Meinong Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市美濃区中山路二段384号
The homecoming young couple constantly tries to develop new practices of making rice noodles by using fresh and seasonal ingredients. Their unique color rice noodles' taste is different from the traditional rice noodles on the market.
89. 阿香的廚房
Ibu Kitchen
- 高雄市美濃區中山路二段635號
- No. 635, Sec. 2, Zhongshan Rd., Meinong Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市美濃区中山路二段635号
Located in a Hakka village, this aboriginal specialty restaurant offers customers a unique style and taste. During the dining time it is often crowded. Advance reservation is recommended.
90. 小春日和
- 高雄市美濃區美興街215號
- No. 215, Meixing St., Meinong Dist., Kaohsiung
- 高雄市美濃區美興街215號
It is a menu-free restaurant with reservation system.The owner of the restaurant is a Kaohsiunger who has lived in Japan. She returned to her home town to start a local cuisine business which has opened a new chapter for her.
91. 帕蒂斯藝文咖啡館
Patisserie Cafe
- 高雄市美濃區福安街43號
- Patisserie CafeNo. 43, Fu’an St., Meinong Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市美濃区福安街43号
After years of planning and renovation, the dilapidated former Fuan Tobacco Counseling Station has beenrepurposed, activated and utilized. It has been transformed into an art cafe. The cafe serves dishes that are made with local ingredients and uses fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season. It also sells local special agricultural products. Concerts and art exhibitions are also held from time to time.
Workshop Meinong Cultural and Creative Center
(Yaolan Cafe)
美濃文創センター(揺藍コー ヒー)
※ 聯絡電話:07-6819265
- 高雄市美濃區永安路212號
- No. 212, Yong’an Rd., Meinong
Dist., Kaohsiung City - 高雄市美濃区永安路212号
The building is divided into three main themes . The "Meinong Police Station" and "Japanese Dormitory" are the historical buildings-a fusion of Baroque and Japanese styles. After renovation, they were converted into a multi-purpose tourist service center and a children's library. The newlybuilt "Community Library" provides an extensive collection of books. Yaolan Cafe, located inside the Meinong Cultural and Creative Center, holds art exhibitions and provides light meal services.
Meixing Street (Rice Noodle Street)
- 高雄市美濃區美興街
- Meixing Street (Rice Noodle Street)
- 高雄市美濃区美興街
There are many delicious Hakka cuisines that visitors can try on Meixing Street. Most of the restaurants that offer Hakka's famous traditional dish-rice noodles- are located here. Each tastes different. Visitors have a lot of choices.
92. 東門冰菓室
Dongmen Ice Dessert Parlor
- 高雄市美濃區民族路20號
- No. 20, Minzu Rd., Meinong Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市美濃区民族路20号
民國53 年開業至今的在地老店,傳統古早味的清冰更是跨世代的共同回憶。
The local old parlor that has been in business since 1964. Its traditional old time flavor "clear ice" dessert is a common memory across generations.
93. 美濃客家文物館
Meinong Hakka Cultural Museum
- 高雄市美濃區民族路49-3號
- No. 49-3, Minzu Rd., Meinong Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市美濃区民族路49-3号
It adopts the architectural styles of a tobacco building and has a courtyard design. It uses a variety of media, physical objects, photographs, documents, films, video tapes, reproduction models, ecological landscaping, interactive displays, etc. to present the history and culture of Meinong in different aspects.
East Gate Tower
- 高雄市美濃區永安路與民族路16 巷交叉口
- The intersection of Yong’an Rd. and Ln. 16, Minzu Rd., Meinong Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市美濃区永安路と民族路16巷の交差点
位於美濃區永安路上,門樓緊依著美濃溪,水與門樓構成護衛昔日瀰濃庄聚落東側的防禦工事。民國89 年5 月獲指定為古蹟加以保存。
Located on Yong’an Road, Meinong District, the Gate is close to the Meinong River. Water and the gate form a defensive fortification to guard the eastern side of the former Minongzhuang settlement. In May 2000, it was designated as an ancient monument for preservation.
37. 杉林葫蘆藝術-大愛館
Shanlin Gourd Art-Da’ai Branch
※ 聯絡電話:07-6776753
- 高雄市杉林區大愛路1號
- No. 1, Da’ai Rd., Shanlin Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市杉林区大愛路1号
Founder He Mingxian has devoted himself to the creation of gourd art. He constantly challenges himself and innovates his art works. His works comprise a series of Tang and Song poems that are full of literary zest, in addition to offering exquisite selections that are great as gifts. The gourd art works cover diverse styles.
47. 甲仙形象商圈
Jiaxian Shopping District
- 高雄市甲仙區文化路
- Wenhua Rd., Jiaxian Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市甲仙区文化路
Jiaxian is the starting point of the South Cross Island Highway. It was also a supply station for travelling between Kaohsiung and Taitung
in earlier years, thus Jiaxian Wenhua Road has gradually developed into a busy shopping district.
With a great selection of taros and bamboo shoots and a variety of specialty goods stores along with gourmet snack eateries, it is not only a supply stop for tourists before entering the mountains, but also the best place to purchase gifts.
甲仙(ジャシェン)には南横公路(なんへん公路)の始まりで、早期高雄と台東に行き来する補給センターのおかげで、甲仙はだんだんにぎやかな商圏に なりましたヽ里芋と筍などの名産品;美食の相当した台湾の庶民料理がたくさんあります、お客が山入の前のスポットで、素敵なお土産の集散地です。
48. 皇都飯店
Huangdu Restaurant
※ 聯絡電話:07-6751461
- 高雄市甲仙區中正路7號
- No. 7, Zhongzheng Rd., Jiaxian Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市甲仙区中正路7号
It is Jiaxian's decades old Hakka timehonored restaurant. Its cuisine is full of local characteristics. The restaurant features various antiques and old photographs creating a warm and nostalgic dining experience.
51. 愛鄉微食堂(原好好甲仙)
Jiaxian Mini Canteen
(Original Jiaxian Good Days Cafe)
- 高雄市甲仙區忠孝路2號
- No. 2, Zhongxiao Rd., Jiaxian Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市甲仙区忠孝路2号
Established by the Lavender Cottage Group, it offers coffee, light meals, small-scale agricultural products and occasional thematic exhibitions. It provides visitors a memorable experience as it integrates environment, culture and food experiences.
Cat lovers must definitely visit this pilgrimage site. Here, the cat is the only protagonist; it disguises itself in various identities to meet with cat lovers. These paintings are done together by local, communities and schools' artists.
53. 甲仙百年樟樹
Jiaxian Centennial Camphor Tree
- 高雄市甲仙區和安街42號
- No. 42, He’an St., Jiaxian Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市甲仙区和安街42号
The camphor tree in front of the Jiaxian Police Station was planted during the Japanese occupation period. Having witnessed the prosperity and vicissitudes of the camphor industry in Jiaxian, the centuryold camphor tree is now under the protection of the municipal government.
56. 甲仙褒忠義民亭
Jiaxian Baozhong Yimin Pavilion
- 高雄市甲仙區油礦巷29-1號
- No. 29-1, Yougong Ln., Jiaxian Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市甲仙区油礦巷29-1号
It is Jiaxian Hakka's center of belief. Lord Yimin's spirit of selfless sacrifice and devotion is always respected regardless of ethnic groups.
甲仙客家人の信仰の中心 、 義民爺は自分を犠牲し 、 身を捨ててこそ浮かぶ瀬もあれの精神、民族を問わず人々の尊敬するの対象です。
59. 洪稇源商號
Hong Kun Yuan Store
- 高雄市六龜區華南街37-47號
- No. 37-47, Huanan St., Liugui Dist.,
Kaohsiung City - 高雄市六亀区華南街37-47号
Hong Kun Yuan Store is a compound store including shop, daily life rooms and storehouse. The pavilions connect the street and the store. Hong Kun Yuan Store has its own inner courtyard and terrace. The corner of the store exterior is arc-shaped. After reconstruction, this hundred-year-old house shows the barter stories of the aboriginal, Southern Fujian and Hakka ancestors. Also, Hong Kun Yuan Store provides a local creation stronghold for the Liugui District Office, Kaohsiung City in order to bring activities to the community.
61. Wish 興旺烘焙
Wish Bakery
Wish 興旺烘焙
- 高雄市六龜區光復路183號
- No. 183, Guangfu Rd., Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市六亀区光復路183号
This simple and plain bakery is situated in Liugui. The Chinese homophone of the in-store specialty product, the turtle cake is "the return of blessing". The turtle cake's outer skin is crisp and the inner filling is soft and firm. The ingredients are all from thelocal farms of Liugui.
94. 檨仔腳文化共享空間
Shezaijiao Culture Shared Space
聯絡電話:07-6883651 / 07-6883098
- 高雄市六龜區檨仔腳32-8號
- No. 32-8, Shezaijiao, Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市六亀区樣仔腳32-8号
It was established by the Baolai Humanities Association after the Typhoon Morakot disaster.Adhering to the concept of "living in harmony with the earth", with "life", "ecology" and "production" as the directions of development, it promotes post-disaster reconstruction, welfare care, talent cultivation and industrial development. Women and youth in the local community form community workshops to produce ceramics, plant dyeing, kiln bread baking and other commodities.
Located next to the Laonong River, it is named for its unique mountain shape, and looks like the Eighteen Arhats. Its geology belongs to Liugui conglomerate which is large and thick. Due to stratigraphic changes it came out of the water. Because of its good permeability, it is easy to erode downward. After the long-term effects of erosion, the steep peaks gradually formed.
96. 川雅居藝術空間民宿
Chuan Ya Ju Homestay
- 高雄市旗山區富興路23巷3號
- No. 3, Ln. 23, Fuxing Rd., Qishan Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市旗山区富興路23巷3号
Chuan Ya Ju Homestay, located in Kaohsiung City, provides homestay and camping services. Chuan Ya Ju Homestay offers great accessibility, and the safety gateway control is its feature for backpackers and families. Staying in banana city, enjoying the quiet in a noisy neighborhood, Chuan Ya Ju Homestay is a beautiful and secluded place waiting for your visit.
97. 高雄市褒忠義民廟
Kaohsiung Baozhong Yimin Temple
- 高雄市三民區褒忠街114號
- No. 114, Baozhong St., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市三民区褒忠街114号
An endless stream of pilgrims has been coming to Kaohsiung Baozhong Yimin Temple for a long time. It has long been the center of belief for local residents and the home of Hakka's religious belief. The Yimin Festival in July of the lunar year and the Chinese Ghost Festival are the annual prestigious events of the Temple.
98. 高雄市新客家文化園區
Kaohsiung City New Hakka Cultural Park
聯絡電話:07-3152136 / 07-3165666
- 高雄市三民區同盟二路215、217 號(三民2號公園內)
- No. 215 & 217, Tongmeng 2nd Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City(Inside Sanmin No. 2 Park )
- 高雄市三民区同盟二路215、217号(三民2号公園内)
It is Taiwan's very first metropolitan Hakka Cultural Park. It comes with Hakka flower trails, an ecological aquatic education pool and outdoor teaching area. It is a popular photo shooting spot for wedding photos. In addition to a round shaped restaurant in the park with Hakka architecture "Tulou" characteristics, there is a Hakka Cultural Museum that is suitable for educational guided tours. It is a win dow for people from all walks of life to contact and learn about the Hakka people, and also a platform for cultural exchange among different ethnic groups.