Kaohsiung Hakka Villages Two-Day Trip
客 庄 生 態 樂 悠 遊
Hakka Village Eco-tourism
Points of Interest Guide
2. 黃蝶翠谷
Yellow Butterfly Valley
- 高雄市美濃區高109 鄉道31 號
- No. 31, Kao 109 Country Road, Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市美濃区高109郷道31号
Located in the upstream of the Gaoping River, the natural ecological environment provides sufficient food and growing space for the yellow butterfly larvae. Yellow butterflies come into season twice a year. The most spectacular view is around the time of the Dragon Boat
Zhong Lihe Memorial Institute
※ 聯絡電話:07-6822228
- 高雄市美濃區朝元95號
- No. 95, Chaoyuan, Meinong Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市美濃区朝元95号
The institute is Taiwan's very first Memorial Institute that was put together by civilians. Zhong Lihe, a Hakka writer is known as “the father of Taiwan's 'native soil literature”. The institute displays Zhong Lihe's manuscripts, miscellaneous notes, daily necessities and related cultural relics and works.
蝶舞澗(農園リゾー ト)
※ 聯絡電話:0900-764378 / 07-6811858
- 高雄市美濃區朝元92-5 號
- No. 92-5, Chaoyuan, Meinong Dist.,Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市美濃区朝元92-5号
The farm, linked to "the Tale of the Butterfly",has conserved its original ecological environment. It has planted Hophornbeam and Pink Shower trees to nurture the yellow butterflies. Though its parks, catering and accommodation (Mongolian yurts), it promotes a new style of natural ecology tourism.
農園内の豊かな自然の環境を守っていくと同時に、 ウスキシロチョウの食べ物—パライロモクセンナとタガヤサンの葉を植えます。そして「蟬説:瀰蝶源記」に新しいキャンプスタイルを体験できます。
※「蟬說:瀰蝶源記」 :グランピング施設でヽご当地グルメと農業体験ができます。
Minquan Rd., Meinong Dist., Kaohsiung CityFormerly known as Minong Lake, Zhongzheng Lake or Zhongzunpi, it is a man-made lake for irrigation which is used for water storage. It is the second largest lake in Kaohsiung City after Chengqing Lake. Along the lake trails and cycling routes, one can take a leisurely stroll along the lake and enjoy the scenery of mountains and water.
美濃湖元々の名は「瀰濃湖」(みのんふう)、「中正湖」(じょんじぇんふう)、 「中圳埤」(じょんじぇんべい)です。築堤の中に水を貯めるためヽ灌漑用の人工湖になっています、高雄で一番大きいな「澄清湖」(ちぇんちんふう) に次ぎ、二番目 大きいな湖です、珊瑚礁歩道やサイクリング歩道を沿いヽ湖のほとりを歩きながら、美しい景色を楽しめます。
Yong’an Rd., Meinong Dist., Kaohsiung City Crossing the Meinong River, it is a branch of the Shizitou water ditch. The bridge is accessible to pedestrians and general vehicles, and the bridge body uses dark pits as water diversion channels. In addition to irrigation, it is also a place where women used to wash clothes and children could playin the water.
Riverbank Tomato Farm
※ 聯絡電話:07-6815713
- 高雄市美濃區福安街15 巷15 之1 號
- No. 15-1, Ln. 15, Fu’an St., Meinong Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市美濃区福安街15巷15の1号
The tomato farm is situated on the banks ofthe Meinong River. The farm has meadows, shade and leisure facilities that are suitable for children.
Observation Platform
- 高雄市美濃區龜山街18 號
- No. 18, Guishan St., Meinong Dist., Kaohsiung
City - 高雄市美濃区亀山街18号
位於「朝天五穀宮」 旁的觀景台,可眺望美濃的田園風光,是攝影愛好者的私房景點。
The observation platform is located next to the "Chaotian Wugu Gong". It overlooks the idyllic scenery of Meinong. It is a secret place for photography enthusiasts.
Yonglin Farm Shanlin Organic Agricultural Park
※ 聯絡電話:07-6775068
- 高雄市杉林區山仙路288號
- No. 288, Shanxian Rd., Shanlin Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市杉林区山仙路288号
鴻海集團為協助莫拉克災區災民就業而建,全區佔地55 公頃,僅開發40 餘公頃,採有機栽種方式,為全臺最大的有機農場。設有露營區,園內參觀需提前登記預約。
The Foxconn Technology Group established the farm to assist the victims of the Morakot disaster with employment opportunities. The area covers 55 hectares and only 40 hectares have been developed. It adopts organic planting methods. It is the largest organic farm in Taiwan. There is a camping area. Advance registration is required to visit the park.
54. 陳家友善香草園
Chen Family Friendly Herb Garden
- 高雄市甲仙區中正路竹山巷18之3號
- No. 18-3, Zhushan Ln., Zhongzheng Rd.,
Jiaxian Dist., Kaohsiung City - 高雄市甲仙区中正路竹山巷18之3号
Open to the public with free admission. Dozens of herbaceous plants such as rosemary and lavender have been planted.
The fragrance of the herbs has attracted many school groups and community residents to visit the herb garden.
観光無料 ヽ 園内数十種のローズマリーやラベンダーなどハーブが栽培してます ヽ 多く学校やコミュニティの宿民が香りを嗅いで来て、ハーブ体験を体験します。
55. 甲仙化石館
Jiaxian Fossil Museum
- 高雄市甲仙區和安村四德巷10號之10
- No. 10-10, Side Ln., Hean Vil., Jiaxian Dist.,
Kaohsiung City - 高雄市甲仙区和安村四徳巷10号の10
It displays ecological relics of fish and shellfish from Taiwan inland sea. There are four exhibition areas: Perotrochus Chiasienus fossils, Jiaxian local fossils, fossils from different parts of Taiwan by years and world fossils. With more than 6,000 items in its collection, it is a prominent local professional museum with academic and sightseeing value.
台湾の内海魚貝生態遺跡によると 、「甲仙翁戎螺化石館(ジャシェンオンロン化石館)」、「甲仙当地化石」に分けます 、年代によっての「台湾各地化石」と「世界化石」合計四か所があって ヽ コレクション六千個あまりで、学術及び観光価値を持ち ヽ 当地に指標性あったプロの博物館であります。
70. 十八羅漢山服務區
Shiba Luohan Mountain Service Area
十八羅漢山サー ビスエリア
- 高雄市六龜區復興巷66 號
- No. 66, Fuxing Ln., Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市六亀区復興巷66号
十八羅漢山由大大小小40 餘座圓錐狀的山脈組成,這些密集但呈不規則分布的山峰,從遠處遙望就像是跳躍的火焰,故又稱為「火炎山」。遊客可來此品嚐咖啡、賞美景,放鬆身心。
Shiba Luohan Mountain consists of more than 40 conical mountain ranges, large and small. These dense but irregularly distributed peaks when looked at from afar are like leaping flames, so it is also called "Huoyan Mountain" (Fire Mountain). Visitors can come here to enjoy coffee, admire the beauiful scenery and relax.
Turtle King Rock is an eminent, kinglike mountain rock. The rock looks like a turtle king and is surrounded by Chinese pistache trees. After typhoon Morakot, it still stands on the side of the Laonong River silently guarding the Liugui villagers.
Affected by Typhoon Morakot's torrential rain and landslides, only one of the six turtle rocks consciousness of the residents after the disaster, five stone-carved turtles were rebuilt here. Through the power of King Turtle Rock and Fuguei, we hope they will continue to protect Liugui residents.
Yuantong Sausage
高雄市六龜區興隆村57 號
No. 57 Xing long Vil., Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City
Go straight after crossing the Liugui Bridge; the sausage shop is located next to the Earth God Temple. The delicious sausage is a local specialty with its tantalizing aroma. It is also a must-try afternoon snack for tourists when passing by.
Shunfa Tea
※ 聯絡電話:07-6791302
高雄市六龜區和平路251-5 號
No. 251-5, Heping Rd., Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City
Shunfa Tea has been in operation since the owner's grandfather's time. The owner of the tea plantation learned to pick tea leaves and the tea-making process from an early age with his parents. He has developed unique baking techniques to remove the original bitterness of the tea. Recently a new tea cake product line has been launched to promote the mountain tea.
Liugui Big Buddha
- 高雄市六龜區新開路27-1號
- No. 27-1, Xinkai Rd., Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市六亀区新開路27-1号
可進入佛身參觀,二樓是撐起佛像銅身的鋼骨結構,地下室則有座重6892 公斤、經過雕磨的緬甸翡翠玉石,被譽為鎮山之寶。廟宇迴廊上供奉12 生肖金剛菩薩,象徵12 生肖。園內瀑布許願池則藏著許多人的誠心祈願。
Visitors can enter the Buddha's body for a visit. The second floor is a steel structure that supports the bronze body of the Buddha. In the basement, there is a 6,892kg, carved Burmese jade. It is known as the treasure of the mountain.The Temple's corridor is dedicated to 12 zodiac Vajrayana bodhisattvas, symbolizing 12 zodiac signs.In the park there are many people's sincere wishes that were hidden in the "make a wish" pool of the waterfall.
67. 寶來溫泉
Baolai Hot Springs
- 高雄市六龜區台20線81k
- Provincial Highway 20 at 81k, Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市六亀区台20線81k
位於「寶來一號」大橋的荖濃溪畔,為南部著名的溫泉勝地。泉源來自寶來溪谷中,溫泉泉質清澈透明,屬硫氫泉且水中富含礦物質,水溫約攝氏60 度。
Located on the bank of the Laonong River where the "Baolai No. One" Bridge crosses; it is a famous hot spring resort in southern Taiwan. The source of the springs comes from the Baolai Valley. Rich in minerals, it is a sulfur-hydrogen spring with clear and transparent water, and temperatures of about 60 degrees Celsius.