Kaohsiung Hakka Villages One-Day Trip
一日遊べる高雄. 客家村
六 龜 山 城 美 食 溫 泉 之 旅
Liugui Mountain Town Food and Hot Spring Tour
Points of Interest Guide
58. 六龜池田屋
- 高雄市六龜區華南街9號
- No. 9, Huanan St., Liugui Dist.,
Kaohsiung City - 高雄市六亀区華南街9号
The house of Liugui Station of Kaohsiung Transportation Company Limited is 90 years old. The old name was IKETAYA, and it is the only one Japanese architecture in Liugui. “The Heart of Liugui” is a program for developing Liugui and rebuilding IKETAYA; one of the most important parts is to reproduce the Japanese style of black roof tiles. IKETAYA is going the be “Liugui Stories Museum” to show the rich connotations of Liugui.
築年数90年もある高雄バス六亀停、原名は「池田屋」(つうてぃえう)です。あれは六亀で唯一の歴史的がある古い和風建物です。「六亀の心」 という再建計画がある上で、池田屋が修繕されました・当時の風景を再生して、池田屋の屋根を黒いかわらやねに建て戻しました。昔の姿を再現して、六亀ストーリー館として、六亀の豊かな内容を皆にご覧になります。
59. 洪稇源商號
Hong Kun Yuan Store
- 高雄市六龜區華南街37-47號
- No. 37-47, Huanan St., Liugui Dist.,
Kaohsiung City - 高雄市六亀区華南街37-47号
Hong Kun Yuan Store is a compound store including shop, daily life rooms and storehouse. The pavilions connect the street and the store. Hong Kun Yuan Store has its own inner courtyard and terrace. The corner of the store exterior is arc-shaped. After reconstruction, this hundred-year-old house shows the barter stories of the aboriginal, Southern Fujian and Hakka ancestors. Also, Hong Kun Yuan Store provides a local creation stronghold for the Liugui District Office, Kaohsiung City in order to bring activities to the community.
受到88 風災豪雨和土石流的影響,河岸六隻守護著居民的龜岩僅存一隻,為凝聚災後居民的鄉土意識,在此處重新打造五座石雕福龜,期藉龜王岩及福龜的力量,繼續守護六龜居民。
Affected by Typhoon Morakot's torrential rain and landslides, only one of the six turtle rocks consciousness of the residents after the disaster, five stone-carved turtles were rebuilt here. Through the power of King Turtle Rock and Fuguei, we hope they will continue to protect Liugui residents.
61. Wish 興旺烘焙
Wish Bakery
Wish 興旺烘焙
- 高雄市六龜區光復路183號
- No. 183, Guangfu Rd., Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市六亀区光復路183号
This simple and plain bakery is situated in Liugui. The Chinese homophone of the in-store specialty product, the turtle cake is "the return of blessing". The turtle cake's outer skin is crisp and the inner filling is soft and firm. The ingredients are all from thelocal farms of Liugui.
62. 藏御手感烘焙
Cangyu Hand Made Baking
- 高雄市六龜區中興里中庄10 號
- No. 10, Zhongzhuang, Zhongxing vil., Liugui Dist.,
Kaohsiung City -
The name of the shop is "Cang" in Chinese with the meaning of hiding. "Yu" in Chinese means the meal of the ancient emperors. That is to hide the imperial bread in Liugui for everyone to discover. The bakery integrates the local ingredients and Liugui mountain tea leaves to produce unique flavors and characteristics of the baked products.
63. 清甘堂
- 高雄市六龜區民生路31 號
- No. 31, Minsheng Rd., Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市六亀区民生路31号
Liugui's local century-old cake shop best-selling product is the "bean pastry" which comes with red, yellow, white bean and mung bean paste fillings. Its bean paste filling and crust are made according to time-honored methods. The red stamp imprint on the bean paste is still the old stamp left by the founder when he started his business.
Liugui Bridge is a slab bridge; its design elements were captured from the terrain mountains and the water pattern of Liugui. The designers used night lighting to make the big bridge colorful, in order to create an image of a rising prosperity.
65. 寶來花賞溫泉公園
Baolai Flower Park and Hot Springs
- 高雄市六龜區中正路137 號(寶來國中後方)
- No. 137, Zhongzheng Rd., Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市六亀区中正路137号(宝来中学校後方)
屬於開放式溫泉區,設有足湯與手湯,並栽種多種花卉喬木,環境優美。寶來溫泉為優質的碳酸氫鹽泉,洗後肌膚觸感嫩滑,故有「美肌之湯」之稱,2018 年獲交通部觀光局選拔「10 大好湯」之一。
It is an open-air hot springs which features foot baths and hand baths. A variety of flowers and trees have been planted which creates a beautiful environment. Baolai Hot Springs is a high quality bicarbonate spring. After soaking, the skin feels tender and smooth. Therefore, it's called "the skin beautifying spring". In 2018, it was selected as one of the "10 Great Hot Springs" by the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and
足湯や手湯がある開放的な温泉地で、さまざまな花や木が植えられておりヽ美しい環境となっています。寶来温泉は良質の炭酸水素塩泉で、洗い上がりの肌がすべすべになることからヽ「美肌の湯」とも呼ばれています。2018年国土交通省観光局選定「10大良いお湯」の 1つです。
66. 美輪山步道
Meilun Mountain Trail
- 高雄市六龜區美輪山登山步道
- Hiking Trail of Meilun Mountain, Liugui Dist.,Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市六亀区美輪山山登り道
步道全長約4.2 公里,在1 公里及2 公里處,各設置一個觀景台供遊客暫歇,在吹風納涼之餘,俯瞰被青山環抱的不老溫泉區,視野良好,可眺望荖濃溪谷及南橫群山。
The length of the trail is about 4.2 kilometers. At 1 km and 2 km, observation platforms have been set up for visitors to rest. Visitors can enjoy the cool wind, while overlooking the Bulao hot springs area surrounded by green hills. From these good viewing spots, one can overlook the Laonong River valley and the Nanheng Mountains.
67. 寶來溫泉
Baolai Hot Springs
- 高雄市六龜區台20線81k
- Provincial Highway 20 at 81k, Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市六亀区台20線81k
位於「寶來一號」大橋的荖濃溪畔,為南部著名的溫泉勝地。泉源來自寶來溪谷中,溫泉泉質清澈透明,屬硫氫泉且水中富含礦物質,水溫約攝氏60 度。
Located on the bank of the Laonong River where the "Baolai No. One" Bridge crosses; it is a famous hot spring resort in southern Taiwan. The source of the springs comes from the Baolai Valley. Rich in minerals, it is a sulfur-hydrogen spring with clear and transparent water, and temperatures of about 60 degrees Celsius.
源頭為荖濃溪支流的溪谷,溪水溫度終年介於 40-50 度間,泉質屬碳酸泉,洗滌後皮膚滑膩,如返老還童,據聞還有消除疲勞、去除酸痛的效果。
The source is from the tributary valley of the Laonong River. The water temperature of the stream ranges from 40 to 50 degrees throughout the year. The springs are carbonate springs. After soaking, the skin feels slippery and rejuvenated. It is also said to have the effect of eliminating fatigue
and soreness.
69. 竹林休閒農業區
Zhulin Leisure Farming
- 高雄市六龜區寶來村寶來二巷
- Baolai 2nd Ln., Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市六亀区寶来村寶来二巷
In the early days, bamboo was mainly grown here. Bamboo shoots and dried bamboo shoots were the primary produce. This is the origin of the name "Zhulin" (bamboo forest). Due to the high altitude and low temperatures, it is suitable for plum trees to grow; therefore, farmers have turned to the production of plums and various processing products. They also plant mango, peach, pear, persimmon, ginger,fig and tea.
Every year plum blossoms come out around New Year's day which is quite stunning.
昔、竹を栽培し、タケノコや干しタケノコを生産していたことからヽ「竹林」の由来となりました。標高が高くヽ気温が低いため、梅の木の栽培に適しておりヽ農家は梅や各種加工品のほか、マンゴー 、プラムヽ桃ヽ梨、柿、生姜、アイユヽ茶などの生産に切り替えます。毎年正月頃になると梅の花が満開になります、とてもきれいです。
70. 十八羅漢山服務區
Shiba Luohan Mountain Service Area
十八羅漢山サー ビスエリア
- 高雄市六龜區復興巷66 號
- No. 66, Fuxing Ln., Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市六亀区復興巷66号
十八羅漢山由大大小小40 餘座圓錐狀的山脈組成,這些密集但呈不規則分布的山峰,從遠處遙望就像是跳躍的火焰,故又稱為「火炎山」。遊客可來此品嚐咖啡、賞美景,放鬆身心。
Shiba Luohan Mountain consists of more than 40 conical mountain ranges, large and small. These dense but irregularly distributed peaks when looked at from afar are like leaping flames, so it is also called "Huoyan Mountain" (Fire Mountain). Visitors can come here to enjoy coffee, admire the beauiful scenery and relax.
71. 新威森林公園
Xinwei Forest Park
- 高雄市六龜區新威171號
- No. 171, Xinwei, Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市六亀区新威171号
公園內最美的景色為約2 公里長、筆直立挺的桃花心木步道,周邊綠樹成蔭,秋冬時,桃花心木的葉子會呈現紅黃色,走在步道上,顯得格外詩情畫意,是情侶散步及拍照的最佳地點。
The most beautiful scenery in the park is about 2 kilometers long. The trails that are surrounded by upright mahogany trees are covered with shade. In autumn and winter, the leaves of mahogany trees will turn red and yellow. Walking on the trails is spellbindingly poetic. It is a perfect place for couples to take a romantic walk and take pictures.
公園内最も美しいのはヽ緑に囲まれた全長2kmのマホガニー遊歩道です。秋から冬にかけてはヽマホガニ ーの葉が赤や黄色に色づき、カップルの散歩や写真撮影にとても詩的な雰囲気を醸し出しています。
Xinliao Q Version Bogong and Xinliao Ancient Trail
- 高雄市六龜區新寮省道旁
- Next to Xinliao Provincial Highway
- 高雄市六亀区新寮省道の隣がいます
Q 版伯公(土地公)位於新寮省道旁的雜貨店,述說日治時期此地發展樟腦事業的過往。沿著紅磚牆可一路探訪新寮古道,古道入口處的水井有百年歷史,當初因湧出泉水,漸漸有人群居而形成村莊。
The Q version of Bogong (Earth God) is situated beside a general store next to the Xinliao Provincial Highway. It witnessed the past development of the camphor business in this area during occupation period.
Along the red brick walls you can visit the Xinliao ancient trail. The well at the entrance to the ancient trail is a hundred years old. At that time spring water was gushing out. People gradually gathered together and formed a village.
Xinwei Xifang Bogong
- 高雄市六龜區新威國小內
- Inside Xinwei Elementary School, Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City
- 高雄市六亀区新威小学校内
Because of the widening of the road Bogong was relocated to inside of Xinwei Elementary School. It's a tomb like shape that is unique to the Southern Hakka. To let the residents recall the cordial feeling of the Earth God its original appearance remains unchanged, which also reflects the Hakka people's spirit of not to forget one's origins.